Kitty's Blog

I'm a Christian living in Puerto Rico. I LOVE writing and reading!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Part of The Lost Jewel

The Lost Jewel
By Kitty Willard

Chapter 1

Looking into the star filled sky, King Ananias sighed. He held his little one year old, James, in his arms swaying him back and forth. Though, Ananias was exhausted, his night seamed restless as he thought of the nameless evils rising in the land. The evil country, Malbito, was growing not only in size, but in strength as it rose up armies. He knew that war would come soon. King Ananias, who was only 24 years old, looked young for his age, his white-blond hair cut short and his beard trimmed close. His bright blue eyes seamed pale in the night as he hummed silently to himself an old folk song. His little one, James, rested his head on his father’s chest as he sucked his thumb contently. “My little James, what shall I do. Evil is rising in the South, as we stand here sleepless. And tomorrow I must go to Charieno, to a Counsel meeting to discuss the plan of action, with six other kings.” Ananias said in half a whisper. Now little James lifted his head, his green eyes sparkled as he looked into his father’s eyes. He yawned tiredly.
Suddenly something touched Ananias back, he jumped in surprise, but in seeing who it was his fear left him. It was his wife, Janis, her silky, jet-black hair swayed in the wind, as she smiled at him. “Did I frighten you, my husband?” she asked him softly.
Running his fingers through her half curled and half straight hair he answered her, “Indeed you did, Janis.”
Janis opened her mouth to speak, but seeming to have changed her mind, she closed it. Taking two steps away, she looked out from the balcony they were on, to the beautiful garden below. “Ananias, I don’t think…” she shifted uneasily, “you should go.”
Ananias stared at her in shock as thoughts ran through his mind, Why doesn’t she want me to go? Is she fearful? What happened, I thought she understood I have to go. “My dear,-’he could sense confusion and anger in his voice, “I must go, you know that.”
Janis turned around and looked into his blue eyes and spoke, “Ananias, I had a nightmare last night, I think it’s a sign from the gods telling you, you shouldn’t go.”
“Sign from the gods or not I must go, Janis, there is no question about it I am king, I must go. War is coming; we must be prepared for it.” Ananias said in a furious voice. Now Ananias’ heart sank when he looked into Janis’ emerald colored eyes, they were wet with tears as she cried. Setting James in his cradle, he walked over to where she was and embraced her; while doing so he whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry Janis; I didn’t mean to yell at you like that, it’s just, you know, I must go. The kingdom needs to be ready if the Malbitoens attacked.”
Now Janis laid her head on his chest and fiddled with one of his buttons on his shirt and asked, “What about the dream?”
“It’s nothing; it’s not to be thought of.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure; besides you need not to be worrying about such things, you need to worry about the new baby that’s coming.” As he spoke he placed his hand on her rounded belly.
“Ananias, that one isn’t coming until a couple of months, you know that!”
“And I’ll be home by then, I promise.” And with that he kissed her, and left to his room.

Before dawn Ananias was up, and was preparing to leave. His thoughts still wandered to the conversation he had with his wife. A sign from the gods? He thought. There’s no such thing; the gods do not care for the affairs of men. Or do they? As confusion rose in his head, there was a knock on the door. Ananias quickly shifted his sight to the door as he called, “Who’s there?” At first the voice seemed unfamiliar, but after a moment of intense listening Ananias figured who it was. “Come in.” Ananias said as he placed the last piece of clothing in his bag. The gold-covered oak door opened and a young man of the age of nineteen briskly walked in.
The young man bowed respectfully, “Your pardon your Majesty, I did not mean to intrude you in your royal quarters, but I wished to speak to about a certain thing-”
“Joel, you are the youngest captain of my armies, are you not?”
“Yes, Sire”
“Then aren’t you suppose to be at a meeting at this very hour?”
“In ten minutes, Sire.”
“Oh, so what is it that you wanted to tell me?”
“Well, Sire, the great high God Eidon, has spoken to me in a vision saying that something ill is going to happen if you leave for Charieno; I do not know what, but all I know Sire, is that it will be devastating to all.” Joel lowered his eyes to the floor, he expected an angry yell of unbelief, but it didn’t happen.
King Ananias stared at the young man, he wore a white blouse and dark blue trousers with knee-high boots; he had curly red hair and freckles covered his face. Ananias groaned as he dropped into a chair; he head began to ache and throb as he thought if what the young man had said was true.
Joel looked up; he saw remorse and uncertainty in Ananias’ face. “Have you been aware of this, Sire?” Joel asked.
“In a way, yes.” Ananias muttered.
“Then you’re not going?” Joel asked contently.
“I must go, that’s my final decision, Joel.”
Joel, astonished and bewildered, almost staggered backwards as he felt distressed. Lord Eidon,’ Joel thought ‘why? You have sent him signs of many but still he’s so stubborn. Will he wait until he’s lost the thing he loves the most? O Lord Eidon have mercy on him. Joel looked straight at Ananias and spoke, “So be it.”
“You may go now, Joel.” Ananias said wearily.
Joel bowed and left.

Chapter 2

After Joel had left, Ananias sighed deeply. Something inside told him not to go, but on the other hand his kingly instincts told him that his fear was taking over. “No, I must go! No one will stop me; not even the gods themselves!” Ananias said angrily.

Janis woke up; she felt around in her bed, but to her surprise no one was there. Immediately she got up hoping that Ananias hadn’t left yet. She quickly got dressed and went to get James. As soon as she had done that, she asked one of her servants where the king was.
The servant, as he bowed, reply was, “King Ananias is in his royal chamber, Your Highness.”
“Thank you” Janis said as she turned to the chamber. As she drew near, she saw Captain Joel, who looked very pale at that moment, walk out of the royal chamber and walk in the opposite direction she was coming from. Janis felt like running up to Joel and asks him what was wrong and what had he said to her husband, but she knew better. When she reached the door; she told the sentry she wanted to speak to her husband; when suddenly Ananias called out “Yes, my dear, come in.” As she entered she saw Ananias sitting on his desk with several papers at hand; his face looked pale as he looked up from his papers. A faint smile appeared on his face as he stretched out his hand and motioned her to come. She tried to smile as well, but her fear didn’t allow her. “Good morning.” she said trying to calm herself down.
“Good morning” he replied as he stood up and placed the papers on his table. He kissed her then took little James in his arms. “My son.” He said proudly. “I have some thing for you.” He said has handed James back to Janis.
Janis watched her husband as he walked over to one of his highly decorated cabinets and opened it. He searched for a while; finally he found it.
“Ah! Hear it is! Me and my brother’s pendant. See, it break in half and it also can be place back together. So, here half for you my little son and the other half is for me. So even though we might be separate; in a sense, we’re still together.” He said as he placed half of the silver pendant around his son’s neck. The pendant though plain seemed to glow in the light; engraved on it clearly said:

Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear Eidon. Honor the king.

On the back side of the pendant a golden dragon was engraved; the dragon’s wings spread open, every part of the dragon was detailed head to tail. Little James laughed; he felt the pendant with his little hands. Though James was one year old, and didn’t understand, Ananias wanted to give his son something to remember him by, just incase something did happen to him on the way to Charieno. “He’s so intelligent’ Ananias began ‘he’ll make a great king one day.”
“Yes, I believe he will.” Janis responded. “He can say a couple small words.’ Janis said as she smiled at James ‘And he can walk too. Here I’ll show you.” She placed the child on his two little legs. At first the child clung to his mother’s skirt, but after a moment the child got his balance.
Ananias crouched down and called his son, “Come to papa! That’s right, come to papa!” To his surprise the child came. Step by step, inch by inch little James made it. Little James laughed as Ananias swept him off his feet. “I see he’s a very outgoing little person as well.’ Ananias said as he lifted James over his head ‘And not to mention he’s absolutely fearless and, of course, resembles his gorgeous mother!” Ananias said as he placed James back on his own two feet.
Janis smiled, she knew he meant it. Of course it was true, her slender body, her jet black hair, and her emerald colored eyes; she’s breathtaking. And James looked just like her. “Don’t get jealous you’ll have your turn! I bet our next little one will resemble you, Ananias.” Janis remarked as she place her hand on her belly.
“Sure hope so!’ Ananias joked ‘What will the people say!” Suddenly Ananias stopped smiling and looked to the floor.
“What’s wrong?” Janis whispered.
“It’s just- I haven’t been there for you and I’m sorry.”
“Yes, you-“
’No, I haven’t!’ Ananias interjected ‘You and the child need more attention. Will you forgive me?”
“Yes! And thank you for seeing your wrong.”
After a moment or two of staring at each other Ananias spoke, “Well my dear, will you join me for breakfast before I go?”
“I would be pleasured to.” she answered him contently. After breakfasted Ananias said his goodbyes and was off to Charieno.


Blogger Unknown said...

Baby drake! I found you! lol.

5:08 PM  

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