Kitty's Blog

I'm a Christian living in Puerto Rico. I LOVE writing and reading!!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Peek into my book, Fallen Star


The midday sun shone through the trees upon a mud path where Annalies and Alaric rode. As they spoke, their horses were unsettled by the voices of their masters. Both friends felt uneasy as they rode on to meet the mysterious creature they had once called their friend.

"Oh, Alaric, I can't stand it any longer. I can't even imagine what Pierce is like by now." Annalies blurted out in frustration.

"Well, let's just hope that book has some correct information about Aengadeimos's."

Annalies gave Alaric a nasty glare before she rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I don't even want to look at that book. It's horrid, with its terrible pictures and awful descritions. Who would believe such a thing?"

Alaric turned aside, he was just as exasperaed as she was, but he seemed to feel as if he was the only one facing up to the facts. Pierce had been gone for five years now, without a trace of existence. He was the last to see him go, the only one who could have talked him out of going, but he had failed. Consumed by his own fear, Alaric misused the one chance, the one moment; he had to bring his friend back to his senses. For if the book was true, and the Aengadeimos were terrorizing evil creatures, Alaric's guilt would no be as bad, for it would have to take the blame for his failer. He dreaded the moment of encounter, because something told him that either way he'd feel ashamed of the thing he had not done.


Coming back to his sense Alaric stuttered, "Uh...uh...ya?"

"Please tell me you don't believe that book."

Alaric expelled a ragged breath, "For your sake, Annalies, I hope that book's a hoax. I look forward to speaking to Pierce not a man-eating creature, who kills for pleasure."

"Oh Alaric, don't be such a sissy. All we have to do is convince Pierce to come home with us. We know more than anyone else what Pierce is like, and we should easily be able to talk him into coming home."

Alaric stared at Annalies. She finally lost it. thought Alaric as he pulled his horse to a stop.

"Alaric, don't look at me like that! It's not my fault I desperately want him back to normal. Maybe the doctor can do something from him. Maybe... maybe... Oh, who am I kidding, even if he does come there's no grarantee he'll even speak to me."

Alaric looked at her; tears ran down her cheeks, as she slowly turned away. Unexpectedly, as if something hit him, he spoke, "Annalies, crying is going to get you nowhere. You as well as I know that if we are gong to bring Pierce home we need a plan and some wit. Pierce is a clever man, and keeps many things to himself. Now tell me the things you notices when you saw him last, and maybe just maybe, we'll be able to fit some things together before we meet with him."

Annalies wiped the tears off her face and with a renewed smile said, "On one condition."

"What is it?"

"You can't become crazy like me!" Annalies said bursting into laughter.

Alaric roared laughing, "And what maked you think I haven't broken that condition already?"

They laughed for a good while before coming back to their senses. It was good for them, for they had not laughed like that in the five years since Pierce had gone.

"Alright," mustered Alaric, "what did you see in him when you saw him last month, when he saved us?"

"Well, he was super tall. He has green eyes, just like you described to us that day he went missing. His voice seemed deeper and rigid. He still has his unmistakable posture."

"Yes, yes, but how is it that we both knew it was him, when he was all cloaked and masked?"

"I don't know. It was just a feeling, I suppose. I just knew it was him. Who else saves us when we most desperately need it?"

"I believe you're right, Annalies." said Alaric thoughtfully, "I thought the same way. I mean... it's difficult the understand, but I-"

"I understand you, Alaric. You just knew. When you're around Pierce, there's a feeling you can just sense and there's nothing else to it."

Alaric nodded his head in agreement, "Annalies, I'm beginning to think you can read my thoughts!"

"Na, I just feel the same way, I guess. Well, back to the subject. What did you see in him?"

"Well, he's acceptably strong. He broke my chains without a fuss. I didn't see any sword on him either. His horse was saddle, but with no saddle bag on it. Strange. He wore leather gloves, and he hates gloves. I've never seen him wear gloves before." Alaric made a face at this and stopped to think.

Annalies turned pale, "Your not thinking about that book again, are you?

"It seems to have a reasonable explanation..." muttered Alaric underneath his breath.

"You don't really think he has green scales all over his body, do you?" whispered Annalies bluntly.

Alaric turned to look at her. He paused to inhale then exhale, and then he shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know."

"Why can't life be simple?" whinned Annalies, "Why did he leave? With all the things we've been through, you would think he'd learn to trust us."

"Easily said, than done, Annalies. It had nothing to do with trust, for I believe he trusted us more than you think..." Alaric thoughtfully continued, "Before he knocked me out, and I spoke with him, he seemed sort of alarmed and had a mixed sense of distress and anxiousness about him. He was jumpy and tensed up. His face was filled with lack of sleep and concern. He was edgy with words, which he never is, and he seemed very uncomfortable around me. Annalies, sorry to say, but we'll just have to face it, it all fits. He was turning into a Aengadeimos. The book may not be pleasant, but it's a possibility, and... and if anything happens, you make a run for it-"

"Alaric!!" interrupted Annalies furiosly.

"No! Listen to me Annalies, Pierce was my best friend, and I'm the last person in the world who would want anything like that to happen to him. But it did, and right now we need to be extremely careful.

• • • • •

The wispy wind brought the scent of the two humans into the nostrils of the creature that followed them. The creature it self was in no hurry to be expose, it lazily laid stretched out on a branch not to far off from the pair. Whenever the two humans when too far to be heard, it just climb upon a new and closer tree. The creature had just begun to enjoy the conversation when it saw the exasperated lady swat the young king with a horse whip. The creature widened his dark green eye, and bit its lip. It wondered if the young king would turn red, and to its delight, he did.


Blogger Kitty said...

Cool right!!!!

2:24 PM  
Blogger Kitty said...

Your birthday present.

2:26 PM  
Blogger Kitty said...


12:42 PM  
Blogger Kitty said...


12:43 PM  
Blogger Kitty said...

No, it's not your book. I can do whatever I feel like doing!!!

11:46 AM  
Blogger Kitty said...

No way!!!!!!11

12:24 PM  

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