Kitty's Blog

I'm a Christian living in Puerto Rico. I LOVE writing and reading!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Part of The Lost Jewel

The Lost Jewel
By Kitty Willard

Chapter 1

Looking into the star filled sky, King Ananias sighed. He held his little one year old, James, in his arms swaying him back and forth. Though, Ananias was exhausted, his night seamed restless as he thought of the nameless evils rising in the land. The evil country, Malbito, was growing not only in size, but in strength as it rose up armies. He knew that war would come soon. King Ananias, who was only 24 years old, looked young for his age, his white-blond hair cut short and his beard trimmed close. His bright blue eyes seamed pale in the night as he hummed silently to himself an old folk song. His little one, James, rested his head on his father’s chest as he sucked his thumb contently. “My little James, what shall I do. Evil is rising in the South, as we stand here sleepless. And tomorrow I must go to Charieno, to a Counsel meeting to discuss the plan of action, with six other kings.” Ananias said in half a whisper. Now little James lifted his head, his green eyes sparkled as he looked into his father’s eyes. He yawned tiredly.
Suddenly something touched Ananias back, he jumped in surprise, but in seeing who it was his fear left him. It was his wife, Janis, her silky, jet-black hair swayed in the wind, as she smiled at him. “Did I frighten you, my husband?” she asked him softly.
Running his fingers through her half curled and half straight hair he answered her, “Indeed you did, Janis.”
Janis opened her mouth to speak, but seeming to have changed her mind, she closed it. Taking two steps away, she looked out from the balcony they were on, to the beautiful garden below. “Ananias, I don’t think…” she shifted uneasily, “you should go.”
Ananias stared at her in shock as thoughts ran through his mind, Why doesn’t she want me to go? Is she fearful? What happened, I thought she understood I have to go. “My dear,-’he could sense confusion and anger in his voice, “I must go, you know that.”
Janis turned around and looked into his blue eyes and spoke, “Ananias, I had a nightmare last night, I think it’s a sign from the gods telling you, you shouldn’t go.”
“Sign from the gods or not I must go, Janis, there is no question about it I am king, I must go. War is coming; we must be prepared for it.” Ananias said in a furious voice. Now Ananias’ heart sank when he looked into Janis’ emerald colored eyes, they were wet with tears as she cried. Setting James in his cradle, he walked over to where she was and embraced her; while doing so he whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry Janis; I didn’t mean to yell at you like that, it’s just, you know, I must go. The kingdom needs to be ready if the Malbitoens attacked.”
Now Janis laid her head on his chest and fiddled with one of his buttons on his shirt and asked, “What about the dream?”
“It’s nothing; it’s not to be thought of.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure; besides you need not to be worrying about such things, you need to worry about the new baby that’s coming.” As he spoke he placed his hand on her rounded belly.
“Ananias, that one isn’t coming until a couple of months, you know that!”
“And I’ll be home by then, I promise.” And with that he kissed her, and left to his room.

Before dawn Ananias was up, and was preparing to leave. His thoughts still wandered to the conversation he had with his wife. A sign from the gods? He thought. There’s no such thing; the gods do not care for the affairs of men. Or do they? As confusion rose in his head, there was a knock on the door. Ananias quickly shifted his sight to the door as he called, “Who’s there?” At first the voice seemed unfamiliar, but after a moment of intense listening Ananias figured who it was. “Come in.” Ananias said as he placed the last piece of clothing in his bag. The gold-covered oak door opened and a young man of the age of nineteen briskly walked in.
The young man bowed respectfully, “Your pardon your Majesty, I did not mean to intrude you in your royal quarters, but I wished to speak to about a certain thing-”
“Joel, you are the youngest captain of my armies, are you not?”
“Yes, Sire”
“Then aren’t you suppose to be at a meeting at this very hour?”
“In ten minutes, Sire.”
“Oh, so what is it that you wanted to tell me?”
“Well, Sire, the great high God Eidon, has spoken to me in a vision saying that something ill is going to happen if you leave for Charieno; I do not know what, but all I know Sire, is that it will be devastating to all.” Joel lowered his eyes to the floor, he expected an angry yell of unbelief, but it didn’t happen.
King Ananias stared at the young man, he wore a white blouse and dark blue trousers with knee-high boots; he had curly red hair and freckles covered his face. Ananias groaned as he dropped into a chair; he head began to ache and throb as he thought if what the young man had said was true.
Joel looked up; he saw remorse and uncertainty in Ananias’ face. “Have you been aware of this, Sire?” Joel asked.
“In a way, yes.” Ananias muttered.
“Then you’re not going?” Joel asked contently.
“I must go, that’s my final decision, Joel.”
Joel, astonished and bewildered, almost staggered backwards as he felt distressed. Lord Eidon,’ Joel thought ‘why? You have sent him signs of many but still he’s so stubborn. Will he wait until he’s lost the thing he loves the most? O Lord Eidon have mercy on him. Joel looked straight at Ananias and spoke, “So be it.”
“You may go now, Joel.” Ananias said wearily.
Joel bowed and left.

Chapter 2

After Joel had left, Ananias sighed deeply. Something inside told him not to go, but on the other hand his kingly instincts told him that his fear was taking over. “No, I must go! No one will stop me; not even the gods themselves!” Ananias said angrily.

Janis woke up; she felt around in her bed, but to her surprise no one was there. Immediately she got up hoping that Ananias hadn’t left yet. She quickly got dressed and went to get James. As soon as she had done that, she asked one of her servants where the king was.
The servant, as he bowed, reply was, “King Ananias is in his royal chamber, Your Highness.”
“Thank you” Janis said as she turned to the chamber. As she drew near, she saw Captain Joel, who looked very pale at that moment, walk out of the royal chamber and walk in the opposite direction she was coming from. Janis felt like running up to Joel and asks him what was wrong and what had he said to her husband, but she knew better. When she reached the door; she told the sentry she wanted to speak to her husband; when suddenly Ananias called out “Yes, my dear, come in.” As she entered she saw Ananias sitting on his desk with several papers at hand; his face looked pale as he looked up from his papers. A faint smile appeared on his face as he stretched out his hand and motioned her to come. She tried to smile as well, but her fear didn’t allow her. “Good morning.” she said trying to calm herself down.
“Good morning” he replied as he stood up and placed the papers on his table. He kissed her then took little James in his arms. “My son.” He said proudly. “I have some thing for you.” He said has handed James back to Janis.
Janis watched her husband as he walked over to one of his highly decorated cabinets and opened it. He searched for a while; finally he found it.
“Ah! Hear it is! Me and my brother’s pendant. See, it break in half and it also can be place back together. So, here half for you my little son and the other half is for me. So even though we might be separate; in a sense, we’re still together.” He said as he placed half of the silver pendant around his son’s neck. The pendant though plain seemed to glow in the light; engraved on it clearly said:

Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear Eidon. Honor the king.

On the back side of the pendant a golden dragon was engraved; the dragon’s wings spread open, every part of the dragon was detailed head to tail. Little James laughed; he felt the pendant with his little hands. Though James was one year old, and didn’t understand, Ananias wanted to give his son something to remember him by, just incase something did happen to him on the way to Charieno. “He’s so intelligent’ Ananias began ‘he’ll make a great king one day.”
“Yes, I believe he will.” Janis responded. “He can say a couple small words.’ Janis said as she smiled at James ‘And he can walk too. Here I’ll show you.” She placed the child on his two little legs. At first the child clung to his mother’s skirt, but after a moment the child got his balance.
Ananias crouched down and called his son, “Come to papa! That’s right, come to papa!” To his surprise the child came. Step by step, inch by inch little James made it. Little James laughed as Ananias swept him off his feet. “I see he’s a very outgoing little person as well.’ Ananias said as he lifted James over his head ‘And not to mention he’s absolutely fearless and, of course, resembles his gorgeous mother!” Ananias said as he placed James back on his own two feet.
Janis smiled, she knew he meant it. Of course it was true, her slender body, her jet black hair, and her emerald colored eyes; she’s breathtaking. And James looked just like her. “Don’t get jealous you’ll have your turn! I bet our next little one will resemble you, Ananias.” Janis remarked as she place her hand on her belly.
“Sure hope so!’ Ananias joked ‘What will the people say!” Suddenly Ananias stopped smiling and looked to the floor.
“What’s wrong?” Janis whispered.
“It’s just- I haven’t been there for you and I’m sorry.”
“Yes, you-“
’No, I haven’t!’ Ananias interjected ‘You and the child need more attention. Will you forgive me?”
“Yes! And thank you for seeing your wrong.”
After a moment or two of staring at each other Ananias spoke, “Well my dear, will you join me for breakfast before I go?”
“I would be pleasured to.” she answered him contently. After breakfasted Ananias said his goodbyes and was off to Charieno.

Part of the Mask of the Royal Prince

The Mask of the Royal Prince
By Kitty Willard

Chapter 1

Pierce was annoyed; everyone thought he couldn’t do anything. Angry thoughts filled his mind. “Just because I’m deaf they think I’m helpless, well I’ll show just how helpless I am.’’ He stomped around getting more irritated by the minute. “Helpless, feeble, weak, and powerless is that what they think I am!” Pierce yelled. His anger seemed to rise with each second. Though Pierce had been deaf ever since he was seven, he never got over the pity parties people threw for him; this always seemed to irritate him. “Poor boy, poor boy, is that what I am, a poor unfortunate boy who can’t hear?”

Pierce was furious because of the (poor boy) syndromes, but especially because his father did the same thing. Revenge was the only thing Pierce thought of, particularly after his mother died and his father married another, but at the end he’d always seem to manage. Either with the help of Janet, his sister, or John, his brother, but most of all with the help of Eidon (God); he had made it despite the fact of his weaknesses. But now against Eidon’s will Pierce was not speaking to his parents at all, only in notes he’d scribble on paper. Though as angry as his father, King Angelo, was, he had no time to fix things; he was in the middle of a war and found no time to do such things.
While walking away Pierce slammed into Alaric, his best friend; who was a prince of Palitania. “Oh! Sorry Alaric. I didn’t see you.”
“Never mind. Happy birthday, here open it.” Alaric passed Pierce a medium sized box that was wonderfully decorated.
“Wow! You know you didn’t have to get me anything, Alaric.” Pierce said as he fingered the box.
“What are best friends for; anyway how old are you, twenty, twenty- five.”
“Very funny, Alaric, I’m fourteen; you know that you’re going to turn the same next month. Now if you excuse me I’m going to open this fine-looking present of mine.” Opening it with ease Pierce peered into the box, his eyes widened as he saw what it was. It was a hidden dagger, the ones you’d strap on your chest and put under a blouse so it wouldn’t be seen. Pierce was astonished, so astonished that he stammered when he spoke which he never did, “Y-y-y-our f-f-father a-a-a-allowed you to get it for me?”
“Sure but I can’t have one.”
“Don’t worry Alaric, I’ll ask my grandfather to get you one.”
“Really, thanks, you’re the best.”
“Don’t mention it, pal.”
“So’ Alaric started, ‘are you still not talking to your parents?”
“Of course I’m not speaking to my parents, Alaric. Between that woman and-”
“On the contrary’ Alaric interjected, ‘I think she’s rather nice.”
“Jesse, - that’s not even a proper name for a woman! Haven’t you noticed?”
“Pierce that was the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard!”
“I thought you had more common sense in you.”
“I do.”
“So show it!”
“Pierce.” John called.
“Pierce, I think John is calling you, but I can’t tell.” Alaric said after he had looked back.
“Oh, I’ll see you later, ok.”
As Pierce walked away, his falcon, Turk, landed on his shoulder. Now Turk was a trained falcon and when anyone called Pierce, Turk would land on Pierce’s shoulder and grasp his shirt. In this way Pierce would know someone was calling him. So John is calling. Pierce thought I wonder what he wants?
Suddenly Pierce saw John, who was 34 years old, running up to him. By the time John made it, he was out of breath. “Pierce, father’s missing!”
“What!” Pierce shouted. A shiver ran down Pierce’s back; like never before. Pierce could feel the fear coming again; the fear he had once felt when he lost his hearing. The fear he had felt when his mother was laying in her bed dying. Suddenly Pierce turned pale as he thought, What if dad’s dead! And to think I haven’t spoken to him these years! I must go find him!
“Pierce, you’re not paying attention to me!” John said as he grabbed Pierce by his shoulders and shook him.
“What!” Pierce said bewildered as he woke from his daze.
“Look, I’m going to grandpas to get help you stay here!” John said as he released Pierce’s shoulders.
Pierce nodded his head in agreement as John walked away.
Soon John whistled and Carrot Top came swooping down; landing and taking John away.
After a minute or two, Pierce recovered and became himself again. “Blast! Captured!’ he thought ‘Great! Just great! He was supposed to be with that- women! Ahck! I guess it’s best I go rescue him.” Pierce sneered angrily as he went to the stable to get his horse, Ashfolt. As he was placing his saddle on Ashfolt; Alaric walked into the stable.
“Pierce, I’m going with you.” Alaric said (with no success) as he was trying to say it forcefully as he straightened his back.
“All right then, are you ready?”
“Yes…oh, no” Alaric said looking at the ground.
“Well, what are you waiting for?”
“Oh thank you, Pierce!” Alaric said as his head lifted and his green eyes glittered.
“Go on then!” Pierce said as a smile came over his lips. “Alaric, Alaric, Alaric, what have you gotten yourself into?” Pierce murmured out loud to himself after Alaric had went running to his tent to retrieve some things. “Well, Ashfolt I guess we’re not going alone this time.”

Chapter 2

“Pierce, are you sure you know where we’re going?’ Alaric tiredly asked, ‘Its been a week!”
“Peace Alaric, we’ll soon be there.”
“How do you know? And how do you know where we’re going anyhow.”
“Well, the last time I got captured the wizard and his evil men took me to an under ground cavern.”
“So, you think that’s where they took him?”
“Yes, Alaric I do suppose that’s where they took him.” Pierce said irritated.
“But you don’t know that; and I don’t know that. So what if he’s not there?”
“Don’t worry, Lord Eidon will show us were he is, and hopefully he’ll show the way as well, if it is...”
“Hopefully? And if theirs scores of Malbitoens lounging around?”
“We’ll kill them, why?”
Suddenly Alaric turned pale “Kill them, um… Pierce you might excel in sword fighting and all the rest, but I…”
“I get your point, Alaric. All you have to do is stay alive, and I’ll be happy.” Pierce said as he slowed Ashfolt down.
Up ahead the forest suddenly stopped and rugged terrain began. Jagged rocks were all the ground was made up of, and irregular cracks ran everywhere. A mystic fog filled the air as they rode deeper into rugged wasteland.

“Wow! Now, I believe we’re going in the right direction. Surely this land is evil!” Alaric said in a good spirit.
Pierce rolled his eyes and muttered to himself “I should have never brought him along.”
“I heard that!” Alaric shouted angrily.
“Will you stop talking, Alaric.”
“Why! Did you see something?” Alaric said startled.
“No, I just want you to be concentrated if you hear anything!” Pierce said annoyed and irritated.
“Oh, how nice of you!” Alaric answered him crossly; but there was no reason to, because Pierce wasn’t looking which meant he wasn’t reading his lips. “O great, first he doesn’t want me along and now he’s ignoring me. What’s next?” Suddenly Pierce stopped his horse and got off. “What are you doing?” Alaric asked irritated.
“We leave the horses here.” said Pierce as he tied his and the extra horses to a tree. “We’ll walk the rest of the way.”
“What!” Alaric shouted. “It’s a wasteland out there; it goes on for miles! Have you finally lost it, Pierce? Pierce? P-I-E-R-C-E! Grand, he’s ignoring me again.” Alaric mumbled as he got off his horse.
“Now, just take the things you need, Alaric.” Pierce told Alaric as he took some stuff out of his saddle bag and placed it into his pack.
“O Great! So how far is this underground cavern?”
“A couple miles away. Why?” Pierce answered.
Alaric rolled his eyes; he was tired of wandering around in a wasteland looking for an underground cavern that might not even exist. “How long?” Alaric asked, now more irritated than ever.
“M, M, M maybe a couple hours.”
“OK! Then lets get going!” Alaric shouted angrily.
Pierce stared at Alaric this was the first time he every saw Alaric in such a bad mood. “Someone’s in a bad mood.” he murmured.
“Of course I’m in a bad mood! I’m looking for a stupid cavern that doesn’t exist! My bottom hurts and now we’re walk in a inhospitable surroundings, and not to mention if we do get anywhere we’re dead meat!!” Now Alaric took a deep breath, his face had turned red in his fury.
Pierce watched Alaric intently; he knew he should have left him at the camp. “Look,’ Pierce began ‘you need to calm down! The cave is two hours away, and the horse can’t make the trip. The road is too rocky for them, plus they won’t fit though the trap door.”
“Trap door! Forget it. I’ll stay here!” Alaric complained.
“Fine, but if the Malbitoens come, don’t scream for help!”
“Fine I’ll go, but I wouldn’t scream for help.”

So off they went Alaric, bad tempered, and Pierce ignoring him all the way.
“I’m glad I’m deaf sometimes, on the other hand every so often I’m not.” Pierce said to himself.
Alaric too weary to interject groaned instead. “Are we there yet?”
“What’s ‘almost’ to you! You have been saying that this past half-hour.”
“Here we are!” Pierce shouted as he picked up a dried stick.
“We’re here?’ Alaric muttered ‘I see nothing. Just some weeds and-“ Suddenly Pierce hit a part of the ground, with the stick he had picked up, the ground trembled and opened to show a flight of steps going down under the ground. “Oh!”

Chapter 3

“Ouch! I hit my head on the roof. Now I see what you meant when you said the horses couldn’t come along. I have to practically bend over!’ Alaric grumbled ‘Ah! Be careful with that torch, Pierce. You almost burned me!”
“Stop being such a baby, Alaric! And be quiet; the Malbitoens might hear you!”
“Oh, s-o-r-r-y!” Alaric answered sarcastically. All of a sudden Alaric tripped on a loose stone; which sent them tumbling down the stone steps. With a great “thud” the two boys ended their flight down the steps! “Ah!”
“Get off of me!” Pierce muttered as he shoved Alaric off of himself.
“Pierce! I hear men shouting; I think it’s coming from the other side-“
“O Great, torches! Run!”
“Pierce! Wait!” But before Alaric could do anything; Pierce had already ran into the thick darkness. Not knowing what else to do; Alaric began to run.


The day before Pierce’s search, King Angelo and his wife, Jesse, lay in a jail cell, cold and wet. Angelo’s back oozed with blood, because of the whippings of evil men of Malbito. Jesse silently stripped Angelo of his shirt and dressed his wounds. Angelo didn’t groan; he was pretty use to such things- whippings and etc…; actually, he was thinking about Pierce so much he forgot about this pain. An hour before he and his wife was thrown in the dirty, musty cell; the evil wizard, Scar, spoke of making a pact, more like a bargain, with Pierce, his son. Would Pierce do such a thing? He clearly hates me; why wouldn’t he? Angelo sighed as he thought; he knew it was all his fault. If only I was there when his mother died; he wouldn’t hate me as much. Well, I to forgot to mention; I did marry again, three years later, without his acceptance. I don’t even think he figured I was in love till the proposal. No! I think he did; I guess he was waiting for me to tell him myself. I’ve been a horrible father! What shames and hurts I’ve brought into my life and my family. Shall I die here cold hearted and bitter? No! I shall not give up my faith, and I shall live the life Eidon has given to me. “Something must be done!” Angelo muttered aloud as he sat up, ignoring the pain.
“My love, lie down it will help the swelling.”
“NO! I must find Pierce and ask for his forgiveness. I-I-I’ve really messed-up.”
“There’s nothing we can do, but pray to Eidon and ask for his wisdom and protection. Pierce is clever and gifted, I’ve seen him, and you got to trust Eidon to handle this situation.”
Angelo saw in wisdom in his wife’s words. “Your right. The truth is- I need and want Pierce’s forgiveness and love. He hates me.”
Jesse thought before she answered. She didn’t want to say Pierce did not hate him, because Pierce hadn’t shown any fondness for his father (neither for her either), but she didn’t want to say Pierce hated him either. “As I said we should allow Eidon take of our problems. And ask Him for direction on what to do.”
Angelo sighed as he lied down. His head throbbed while he silently prayed; he knew Eidon would listen to him.
A few hours later, after Angelo and Jesse had finally fallen asleep, two guards came roaring down the steps of the prison; along with them, two strangers. The bellowing of the two guards woke Angelo and Jesse. Angelo stood up in curiosity. He could see from torch light that one of the strangers was a man and the other was a woman. The man violently struggled with the guard, and threatened to call “the police” (which Angelo couldn’t grasp on what the man meant). “Must be a mad man.” Angelo murmured as he watched.
Now, Jesse stood up and commented “I don’t think so. They look like foreigners.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, look at there clothing. I’ve never seen such clothing, and if I might add, look at the man’s hair its- dreadfully short.”
“Foreigners? Maybe…”
Unexpectedly the sentries stopped in front of their cell. “Here we are; Scar said to put them in here, with the two new ones.” uttered one of the guards.
“After you put that one in come and help me with this one, will ya.” barked the other guard.
“No problem weakling!” laughed the guard as he threw the woman into Angelo’s cell.
Angelo caught the woman before she hit the cold, stone floor; astonishingly, in a whisper, she thanked him. A couple minutes later the man joined them. Angelo didn’t have to try to catch the man; the man was slammed into Angelo knocking the air out of him, which wasn’t a lovely sight. Angelo gasped for air as he pushed the man off of himself. The woman helped the man off of Angelo.
The man collapsed in exhaustion; he also was bleeding. “The children’ He murmured ‘we got to find the children.”
Angelo was shocked. What was I thinking! This man was not mad; he has children! Just like me. Angelo bent over and examined the man; his wounds weren’t deep, that was good. “You’ll survive.” commented Angelo.
“Who are you?” whispered the man.
“My name is Angelo, and this is my wife Jesse. And who are you-?”
“Allen and my wife, Sarah. We and our children have been shipwrecked, here. We were searching for our five children on the beach, when we saw some soldiers. Instead of helping us; we’re in this prison. They claimed we were some type of spies.”
“What country are you from?” asked Jesse, who was intrigued by the story.
“We’re from the state of Florida in the United States.”
Angelo looked at his wife, her face was full of confusion, and it made him wonder if he looked the same.
“What’s wrong?” Sarah asked curiously.
Angelo answered her, “I’m sorry, but we’ve never heard of this Florida nor this United-.”
“United STATES” corrected Allen, who seemed to be getting irritated.
“So where are we?” Allen asked.
“We are in Merka.”
“What continent?”
Allen frowned, “I have no idea where that is, and you don’t know where I live; so maybe we were shipwrecked in a different world?”
“Don’t be silly, dear; into another world?” Sarah questioned silently.
Angelo thought for a moment, and then spoke, “Possibly, I’ve read in an old book written about 100 years ago, and it was written about a man from the outside.”
Sarah gasped and began to weep. She buried her face into her husband’s chest.
“There, there, everything going to be all right.” Allen said trying to make her feel better.
“No, it’s not all right. We’re stranded in another world, our children are missing, and we’re in this prison and can’t do anything about it!” cried Sarah.
As Angelo watch his heart was burdened. He pitied them. Suddenly Angelo heard a whisper in his mind, the whisper he had often heard when he was confused or hurt, it was Eidon. Angelo, I have sent them here from another world, even if they don’t know it. Take them in as family; show them the ways of life here. Encourage them; search for their young ones. Go; do as I have told you. Yes, Eidon I will. “Don’t worry, Allen, Sarah, as soon as we get out of this place; I’ll do all in my power to search for your young ones.” encouraged Angelo.
Sarah lifted her head and thanked him, “Thank you for your kind offer, but I don’t want you to feel obligated-”
“Nonsense” interjected Angelo ‘I’ll pull a couple strings. Nothing to it.”
“Why are you helping us?” asked Allen, who seemed surprised at Angelo’s offer.
“Because I have children too, and I know how it feels, sort of, to lose a child. Will you let me help you?”
“Yes! Please do.” Allen said happily.
“All right, but first things first, I need to tend to those wounds of yours before it get infected.”

Alaric ran for his life; at least five men were following him. How could he? Alaric thought as he ran, Never ever again will I go on a stupid rescue mission with that-
“Over here, I saw some thing!” cried a guard.
“O great!” whispered Alaric to himself.
Pierce, on the other hand, slipped into a dark corner and hid. Seeing Alaric running with ten men behind him trying to kill him; Pierce decided to follow. Now that Alaric has distracted the Malbitoens my job just became easier- I think? All of the sudden Alaric began to scream at the top of his lungs as he ran. What’s wrong with him? Pierce asked himself, O well.

For Angelo, Jesse, Allen, and Sarah it has been a week in their filthy cell. Scar, the evil wizard, has sent for them and now they stand chained to the wall in a medium sized room. Scar stood, leaning on his wizard staff, in font of them, his vile smile of mockery spread across his hideous face.

Though a little older than Angelo, the evil of hatred and bitterness had increasingly swelling in him; Scar look liked an aged old man. His bird like nose and hair, like the silken floss of corn, the wizard was a dreadful sight. Despite the fact of Scar’s ugliness, Angelo knew the wizard had a way with words. Scar had the ability to twist the words of other to fit the description he needed; making something evil, look good, and something good, look evil. It was all a play until someone got killed at the end.

“I see’ began Scar, ‘that no one has come to rescue you, and the hour is late. It appears that your son does hate you and remains in his comfort. He’s content with your capture, and prays prayers to the gods, thanking them for your imprisonment.”
“Lies, all your words are lies, Scar. Your words can not deceive me nor will your blasphemies against Eidon they will not be over looked; He will have his vengeance.” replied Angelo furiously.
“Vengeance! Ha! Shall we speak of your son- Pierce? He was here two months ago, I captured him. He sat here in this very room eating with me. We spoke of war and he buttered me up with flattery of what a good job I was doing on my tactics of war. By the way he was saying it he meant it, there was no lies in his eyes. I asked him if he wanted to join me, he said he had to think about it.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” asked Angelo, who wasn’t sure if he should believe the evil wizard.
“I also told him that if you were ever missing I would have him. So if he really cared; he would have come for you by now.”
“I don’t believe any of this.” murmured Angelo loudly.
“Can you believe this?” as Scar spoke he took out a black bandanna.
“That’s Pierce favorite-. How did you get it?” Angelo angrily asked.
Shrugging Scar told Angelo, “He gave it to me. He said he would be back for it.”
Angelo was taken back. Would Pierce do such a thing?
“Finally, you’re speechless. How does it feel to be betrayed by your own son?”
Abruptly there was a sound of screaming it got louder by the second. “What is that?” Scar asked himself. Suddenly the evil wizard began to chant and then there was a flash of dark light. When Angelo opened his eyes he saw a dark transparent wall in front of them.
“What is it?” asked Jesse.
“Good question!” answered Scar, who walked though the wall. “You can see and hear though this wall, but the other person on the other side can’t, except me. They see it as a normal stone wall. Well, I’ll watch you from the other side, good bye.” and with that Scar went on other side of the dark wall. The screaming continued, it got louder and louder until the door burst open.
“By Eidon, it’s Alaric!” shouted Angelo. But Alaric did not stay, as soon as he came; he slipped out another door, twenty men after him.
Scar stayed as he was, but he wasn’t looking the way the screaming boy went, but the way the screaming boy came. A moment later, Pierce slipped into the torch light of the room.
“PIERCE!” shouted Angelo, but Pierce couldn’t see him.
“You’ve come.” said Scar contentedly.
“I told you I would be back, didn’t I?” Pierce answered him hotly, as he ran his fingers though his sweaty jet black hair.
“You did. Have you considered my request of your joining?”
“Partnership wasn’t it?” asked Pierce as he grabbed a goblet of wine and sat down putting his legs up on the table.
“Yes, indeed it was.” said Scar as he, himself sat down, as well. “So, what do you say?”
Pierce, looking up as he swallowed a mouthful of wine answered him, “Delicious wine! I must add. As for your request I’ve thought about it, and I must say evil is so much more enjoyable and furthermore memorable; as for good well- that’s another story.”
“Good! You understand evil pretty well.”
Angelo heard this and was devastated. He turned pale white and collapsed on his knees as tears fell from his face.
You’re a failure! said a voice in his head, You have failed to raise your son! And now he’s mine! It was Scar and Angelo knew it.
“So, my lad, what would you like to do first? Would you like to observe the death of your parents?” asked Scar.
“Absolutely! So, you have them?”
“Of course, I told you I would.”
“Yes, of course, you did mention it to me.”
“Would you like to do it now?”
“No, I want to do it in the moon light, while the wolves’ howl.”
“Devious! It’s to perfect.”
“Thank you! Then you’ll get all you deserve.”
“What’s that?” asked Scar excitedly, thinking of the gold and riches of the Perilous Island, as he leaned across the table.
Leaning across the table, as well, Pierce put his mouth close to Scar’s ear as to whisper something. “DEATH!” shouted Pierce as he sank his dagger into the wizard’s chest.
“Traitor!” whispered the wizard as he collapse dead on the stone floor.

Chapter 4

Pierce pulled his dagger out of the dead wizard’s chest as he took another sip of wine. He cleaned his dagger with the black robe of the wizard. “In the moon light with wolves howling. How pathetic!” Pierce said laughing at himself. “Pride- how it kills! By Eidon! I forgot about Alaric!”
Just then the wooden door burst open and Alaric ran in. “PIERCE! Where were you? I have been running for hours!”
“You mean ten minutes.”
“Never mind! There are men following me.”
“All right, sit back and enjoy!” smiled Pierce as he took his rapier out of its sheath.
“All right.” murmured Alaric as he slipped into one of the chairs of the table, and watched Pierce attack the incoming men. Alaric soon turned away from watching; he knew blood made him faint and nauseous.
Before long Pierce finished his task and was wiping his rapier clean. “Thanks for covering me, Alaric.” grinned Pierce as he sat on the table.
Alaric rolled his eyes, “So that’s what I was doing, huh?”
“Next time you may inform me first! So, I see you slaughtered the wizard.”
“I wouldn’t call it slaughter.”
“I would, but anyhow how did you kill him?”
“What I do best! I played him.”
“Oh! How fascinating.” Alaric murmured sarcastically.
“Well, I better search the prison for my parents before they go fanatical on me. You know how they get when they’re left alone!”
“All right, you go ahead; I’ll stay here.”
With that Pierce ran off to the prison to search for his parents.
“My head hurts.” muttered Alaric as he open his canteen and gulped down mouthfuls of water. Sitting promptly in the chair Alaric sighted the wizard’s staff. “Huh? Pierce must have forgotten to break the wizard’s staff. Might as well do it myself.” With that Alaric took out his sword and broke the staff. At that instant the dark wall dissipated into dark crystals.
“ALARIC!” shouted Angelo desperately.
Alaric jumped five feet high when he heard his name. “What!” said Alaric surprised as he turned to see the four filthy prisoners. Alaric just stood and stared in shock.
Finally Angelo broke the silent, “The keys, Alaric, the keys!”
“Oh! Of course!” While unlocking their chains Alaric asked many questions. “Where you here all this time?”
“Yes, Alaric. Now will you please hurry?”
“Yes, sir!”
Before long all four prisoners were freed. “Alaric’ began Angelo, ‘we need to find Pierce and leave this place!”
Suddenly there was a horrible tremor! The walls began to vibrate and the stone floor began to crack.
“Come on!’ shouted Angelo as he picked up Pierce’s black bandanna, ‘Lets not waste any more precious time than we have already.”
“I’m with you all the way, Angelo,.’ remarked Alaric, ‘I’m sick of this cave. Um- who are the foreigners?”
“Alaric, this is Allen and his wife Sarah.”
“Nice to make your acquaintance.”
“Yours as well.” replied Allen.
“Lets go!” shouted Angelo as he walked out the door.
The others quickly joined him when abruptly all the torches went out. Suddenly there was another tremor, but it was bigger this time. The room they were in caved in. The noise echoed through out the cavern making every one’s ears ache in pain.
“Alaric, do you know where the exit is?”
“Yes, but it was just covered by the tremor!” Oh Lord Eidon, please protect us and especially Pierce, wherever he might be. prayed Angelo. “We have no choice; we’ll have to go this way.” Angelo shouted over the rumble of the next tremor. Grabbing Jesse’s hand, Angelo began to run to the only open direction. After a while of running the fourth tremor when off, it was worse than the three others; the stone wall began to fall apart in chunks. “RUN!” shouted Angelo as he increased his pace.
Suddenly something slammed into Angelo, knocking him to the floor.
“Pierce!” shouted Alaric.
Pierce, as if he hadn’t felt anything, in a flash was standing again. Pierce was surprised when he saw his father, but was to in a rush to escape the collapsing cavern, to ask how they escaped. Helping his father to his feet, Pierce motioned them to follow him. Pierce ran in the opposite direction.
“Pierce… that’s the way we came.” shouted Angelo irritated.
“We have to follow him; he knows the way!” Alaric shouted over the next tremor.
Following Pierce was no easy task; he was like a deer fleeing from his prey. After some time of running fiercely, Pierce stopped against a wooden cabinet, and began to push it away. Angelo, Alaric, and Allen joined him in his push. The push was successful; behind the wooden cabinet laid a small dirt tunnel. Pierce didn’t hesitate; he quickly scrambled into the tunnel.
“Your turn, Alaric, get in the tunnel.” said Angelo.
“You call that a tunnel! It’s more like a hole! Ladies first.” complained Alaric.
“Fine, I’ll go next.” Jesse said tiredly.
After Jesse scramble up, Sarah went next. Then Allen and then, of course, Alaric and Angelo, who were last. When they reached the top, they were all covered with mud; except Pierce, who seemed pretty clean compared to the rest.
“I see you missed all the darn ditches!’ murmured Alaric angrily at Pierce, ‘I’m covered no-- drenched in mud!”
Pierce rolled his eyes, and then whistled a high pitched whistle. Almost immediately four horses came galloping towards them.
“The horses! We’re saved. Thank you Eidon! No more walking; no more running nor climbing mud pits!” Alaric laughed hysterically as he nuzzled his horse Thunder Bolt.
Pierce smirked as he nodded his head in dismay, Oh Alaric, when will you grow up.


As Angelo caught his breath, he caught a glimpse of Pierce frowning as he studied the foreigners; then ignoring them Pierce searched the saddle bags. Wiping sweat and mud off his face, Angelo looked at Jesse. Jesse smiled weakly; he returned a smile as well.
“Are you all right?” he asked her quietly.
Jesse nodded her head in reply, “A few scratches that’s all.”
Then Angelo glanced at Allen and Sarah, they were embracing each other. “Are you all right?” he called out to them.
As they released each other Allen answered, “Ya, I think so.”
“Thank you, Eidon.” Angelo murmured to himself. Taking a look back at Pierce, Angelo noticed that Pierce had taken out water, food, and some bandages. Massaging his neck, Angelo clenched his teeth, How am I going to tell him how I feel? thought Angelo, O Lord Eidon, please help me. He doesn’t look infuriated, but… I better wait. Maybe when we’re alone I’ll tell him. Angelo sighed loudly as he watched Alaric recovered from his misery by stuffing some bacon down his throat; it reminded him of his hunger. Abruptly Pierce tossed a bundle of food to him as if he had read his mind. “Thank you.” Angelo appreciatively said as he opened the bundle. In the bundle there were pieces of bacon and biscuit, enough for two people. When Angelo was about to take a bite, he thought of Allen and Sarah, What are they going to eat? Pierce probably didn’t pack more food than he needed. Again as if Pierce had read his mind, Pierce tossed another bundle, but this time to Allen. Allen thanked him. Taking this opportunity, Angelo introduced Allen to Pierce.
“Allen this is my son, Pierce. Pierce this is Allen and his wife Sarah.”
“Nice to meet you.” said Allen cheerfully.
Pierce nodded his head and shook his hand, but said nothing.
Suddenly the ground rumbled and a huge sinkhole appeared not to far from where they were. Pierce stared at the sinkhole for a long moment, but he didn’t seem to be concerned. Angelo in seeing Pierce’s reaction, decided to act as calm as he could. “A sinkhole.” murmured Allen as he opened the bundle of food and shared it with his wife. Angelo nodded his head in agreement. After everyone had eaten except Pierce, who didn’t eat much, they set up camp with the things Pierce brought. It was simple, a fire and some blankets Pierce had brought. “There we’re finished.” muttered Angelo as he wiped dry mud off his trousers. To tired to complain Angelo and the others soon fell asleep.


The sun was just peeping out when Pierce woke up to find that Alaric had stolen his side of the blanket that they were sharing. So that’s why I was so cold last night. thought Pierce as he sat up. Tiredly Pierce wiped the sleep out of his eyes and yawned as the thoughts of yesterday filled his mind. A grin swept across his face as he remembered Alaric running wildly through the cave, his face all pale making his freckles stand out. Pierce turned to look at Alaric; Alaric lay here all cuddled up in the blanket. He looked like he was tangled up in a knot. Pierce almost chuckled at the sight, but then he remembered his father was there. It was best for him not to make a sound. Acting casually Pierce turned to see if his father was awake. No, he was asleep with Jesse in his arms. Instead of being disgusted, he smiled. The truth was Pierce was slightly fond of Jesse. Though he’d never admitted it, and always spoke badly of her with his friends. He had been watching her very closely that past year, and he discovered that she was like his own mother- adventurous, kind, and sweet. Most recently he found out she loved to ride horses, and was always up to a good game of archery. It’s no wonder why father loves her, she just like mother in a way… I guess. thought Pierce as he sighed. Snap out of it! Enough mushy stuff. When they wake up they’re going to be hungry, I best go hunting. So off Pierce went to hunt for something to eat.


Angelo woke up to the smell of rabbit meat cooking, and not to mention at the sound of someone snoring. Being careful not to wake Jesse, Angelo sat up and looked around. “Pierce is stirring the fire, but where is that awful snoring coming from?” Angelo murmured crossly. Then he spotted Alaric, he rolled his eye irritably, “Alaric!” he called, but it was no use, Alaric was a deep sleeper. Angelo groaned as he stood up and wiped dried drool from his cheek. He glanced at Pierce, Pierce had turned away, and Angelo knew why. “I’m glad to see someone’s amused by this.” muttered Angelo as he walked over to Alaric and shook him.
Alaric awoke annoyed then happily, “Why did you wake … breakfast! Thanks for waking me up; Pierce usually eats without me.”
Angelo frowned then he took a deep breath and let it out.
Suddenly Pierce began to choke on the apple he was eating, while trying not to laugh.
Though Angelo was irritated, he smiled, At least I made him smile. “So’ Angelo began, ‘did you sleep well, Pierce?”
Alaric answered for him, “I’m sure he slept well. I on the other hand was bitten to death by mosquitoes all night long.”
Angelo scowled at Alaric, “Was I talking to you, no, I don’t think so.”
Alaric shrugged his shoulders, “It’s not like Pierce would answer you, anyway.”
Angelo was now officially enraged and was about to say something; when Pierce stood up. Grabbing two apples from the pile he had picked, Pierce walked over to where they were. After stuffing the apples in there mouths, he walked away into the forest.
“Well, that went well.” sighed Angelo after he took the apple out of his mouth.
“M-m-m-m green apples delicious.” muttered Alaric as he chewed noisily.
While Angelo was thinking of strangling Alaric, a hesitant “good morning” was said. “Go-od morn-ing.”
Angelo turned around it was Allen, “Morning, I hope you slept well, though I don’t think you possibly could have with Alaric snoring!!”
“For your information I DO NOT SNOR!!” Alaric objected furiously.
“Indeed you do!” argued Angelo.
Suddenly a new voice joined in, “Boys!” it was Jesse.
“Sorry dear, did we wake you?” Angelo said as he picked up a stick and threw it in the fire.
“Indeed you did, but that’s not the point. Angelo, you of all people know that arguing isn’t going to help things get better. I know you are tired, but you know what, we all are tired too. Now if you please stop, maybe we might be able to enjoy the food Pierce has provided.”
Angelo sighed, “You’re right, Jesse. I’m sorry. I’m just in a bad mood. I guess between Pierce- and being captured; I’m not in the bestest of moods.”
“No duh- The only ones taking it well is Allen, Sarah, and Pierce. Which I think Pierce is the best at it.” commented Alaric.
“No, I think Allen and Sarah are better at it. There children are missing, and we’re just sitting here arguing. Let’s eat then we must leave. Alaric go call Pierce, will ya.”
“Their children are missing! I’m sorry I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell Pierce? He knows every shortcut that everyone else doesn’t know.”
Angelo frowned.
“Well, I think so. Anyway, where are they from?”
“Alaric, will you please go get Pierce.” asked Jesse as she passed a bowl of rabbit meat to Allen.
“Fine! I get it. You go right ahead and keep your secrets. I’ll go and get Pierce.” Alaric said as he got up angrily and went the direction Pierce had gone.
Angelo rubbed his eyes; Alaric reminded him that he wasn’t going to like telling the council where Allen and Sarah came from.


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Peek into my book, Fallen Star


The midday sun shone through the trees upon a mud path where Annalies and Alaric rode. As they spoke, their horses were unsettled by the voices of their masters. Both friends felt uneasy as they rode on to meet the mysterious creature they had once called their friend.

"Oh, Alaric, I can't stand it any longer. I can't even imagine what Pierce is like by now." Annalies blurted out in frustration.

"Well, let's just hope that book has some correct information about Aengadeimos's."

Annalies gave Alaric a nasty glare before she rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I don't even want to look at that book. It's horrid, with its terrible pictures and awful descritions. Who would believe such a thing?"

Alaric turned aside, he was just as exasperaed as she was, but he seemed to feel as if he was the only one facing up to the facts. Pierce had been gone for five years now, without a trace of existence. He was the last to see him go, the only one who could have talked him out of going, but he had failed. Consumed by his own fear, Alaric misused the one chance, the one moment; he had to bring his friend back to his senses. For if the book was true, and the Aengadeimos were terrorizing evil creatures, Alaric's guilt would no be as bad, for it would have to take the blame for his failer. He dreaded the moment of encounter, because something told him that either way he'd feel ashamed of the thing he had not done.


Coming back to his sense Alaric stuttered, "Uh...uh...ya?"

"Please tell me you don't believe that book."

Alaric expelled a ragged breath, "For your sake, Annalies, I hope that book's a hoax. I look forward to speaking to Pierce not a man-eating creature, who kills for pleasure."

"Oh Alaric, don't be such a sissy. All we have to do is convince Pierce to come home with us. We know more than anyone else what Pierce is like, and we should easily be able to talk him into coming home."

Alaric stared at Annalies. She finally lost it. thought Alaric as he pulled his horse to a stop.

"Alaric, don't look at me like that! It's not my fault I desperately want him back to normal. Maybe the doctor can do something from him. Maybe... maybe... Oh, who am I kidding, even if he does come there's no grarantee he'll even speak to me."

Alaric looked at her; tears ran down her cheeks, as she slowly turned away. Unexpectedly, as if something hit him, he spoke, "Annalies, crying is going to get you nowhere. You as well as I know that if we are gong to bring Pierce home we need a plan and some wit. Pierce is a clever man, and keeps many things to himself. Now tell me the things you notices when you saw him last, and maybe just maybe, we'll be able to fit some things together before we meet with him."

Annalies wiped the tears off her face and with a renewed smile said, "On one condition."

"What is it?"

"You can't become crazy like me!" Annalies said bursting into laughter.

Alaric roared laughing, "And what maked you think I haven't broken that condition already?"

They laughed for a good while before coming back to their senses. It was good for them, for they had not laughed like that in the five years since Pierce had gone.

"Alright," mustered Alaric, "what did you see in him when you saw him last month, when he saved us?"

"Well, he was super tall. He has green eyes, just like you described to us that day he went missing. His voice seemed deeper and rigid. He still has his unmistakable posture."

"Yes, yes, but how is it that we both knew it was him, when he was all cloaked and masked?"

"I don't know. It was just a feeling, I suppose. I just knew it was him. Who else saves us when we most desperately need it?"

"I believe you're right, Annalies." said Alaric thoughtfully, "I thought the same way. I mean... it's difficult the understand, but I-"

"I understand you, Alaric. You just knew. When you're around Pierce, there's a feeling you can just sense and there's nothing else to it."

Alaric nodded his head in agreement, "Annalies, I'm beginning to think you can read my thoughts!"

"Na, I just feel the same way, I guess. Well, back to the subject. What did you see in him?"

"Well, he's acceptably strong. He broke my chains without a fuss. I didn't see any sword on him either. His horse was saddle, but with no saddle bag on it. Strange. He wore leather gloves, and he hates gloves. I've never seen him wear gloves before." Alaric made a face at this and stopped to think.

Annalies turned pale, "Your not thinking about that book again, are you?

"It seems to have a reasonable explanation..." muttered Alaric underneath his breath.

"You don't really think he has green scales all over his body, do you?" whispered Annalies bluntly.

Alaric turned to look at her. He paused to inhale then exhale, and then he shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know."

"Why can't life be simple?" whinned Annalies, "Why did he leave? With all the things we've been through, you would think he'd learn to trust us."

"Easily said, than done, Annalies. It had nothing to do with trust, for I believe he trusted us more than you think..." Alaric thoughtfully continued, "Before he knocked me out, and I spoke with him, he seemed sort of alarmed and had a mixed sense of distress and anxiousness about him. He was jumpy and tensed up. His face was filled with lack of sleep and concern. He was edgy with words, which he never is, and he seemed very uncomfortable around me. Annalies, sorry to say, but we'll just have to face it, it all fits. He was turning into a Aengadeimos. The book may not be pleasant, but it's a possibility, and... and if anything happens, you make a run for it-"

"Alaric!!" interrupted Annalies furiosly.

"No! Listen to me Annalies, Pierce was my best friend, and I'm the last person in the world who would want anything like that to happen to him. But it did, and right now we need to be extremely careful.

• • • • •

The wispy wind brought the scent of the two humans into the nostrils of the creature that followed them. The creature it self was in no hurry to be expose, it lazily laid stretched out on a branch not to far off from the pair. Whenever the two humans when too far to be heard, it just climb upon a new and closer tree. The creature had just begun to enjoy the conversation when it saw the exasperated lady swat the young king with a horse whip. The creature widened his dark green eye, and bit its lip. It wondered if the young king would turn red, and to its delight, he did.