Kitty's Blog

I'm a Christian living in Puerto Rico. I LOVE writing and reading!!!

Friday, September 22, 2006

My Plot- Mask of the Royal Prince

Inspired by Gary Provost's Paragraph

Once upon a time, something happened to someone...

"Mother?...' choked a little boy of ten, 'Mother?" said the sobbing little boy more pleadingly. He lied there shaking, next to his mother's unnaturally still body. Abrutly one of the countess' servants came in the dark room with a bowl of water and a clean cloth. Gasping at the sight of the death, she quickly rushed to her mistress with the news, "The queen is dead!" The countess ran to the sight, tears in her eyes, her good friend was gone, at least gone to a better place. It had only been a fever, she didn't understand how death took her. As she thought, she was suddenly surprised by a little sniffle. "Pierce!" The little boy's jet black hair fell in is face, his light blue eyes red with tears, he clung to his mother tightly. She gentle put his hair away behind his ears, "She's gone." The boy stopped shaking, and turned paler than he already was, "Where's my father?" he asked. That question speared her heart, she turned away. Why Eidon, why? Her heart pleaded.

...And he decided that he would pursue a goal...

Pierce keeped his eyes on his foe, he gripted his sword more tightly. Ajusting his footing to get a better view of the enemy, he saw an opening. Taking his chances, Pierce sliced a cut at his enemy's chest. His enemy with ease blocked the slice and nocked the sword out of Pierce's hand.
His enemy cockily question, "Do you surrender?"

Pierce bit his lip, "No!" he yelded as he ran to where his sword lay.

His enemy rolled his eyes, "Pierce, you've been doing this for hours!"

"Oh, come on, John, just one more time."

"No, that's enough for one day!" His brother snapped.

Pierce frowned, "All right."

When John had left the room Pierce threw his sword angrily across the room. Slidding to the stone floor, Pierce hugged his knees. All his muscles ached, he want to scream. It had only been six month ago since his mother's death. How did I get myself into this. I love her, I'm doing this for her. Iwill find her killer, and revenge her death. Even though nobody believes me, I will revenge her. I will learn to kill. Tears ran down his cheeks, he was bitter. He knew he had vowed not to speak to his father. Not speak to his father until he proved his mother was murded. I will hold to my vow or die. Wiping his tears with his sleave, Pierce walked over to his sword and picked it up. I will become feared by all evil men! With that he charge at his wooden enemy.

...So he devised a plan of action,...

The rain pored its fury upon the earth, as Pierce pored all his energy into reaching the tent in the middle of the camp. The thunder roared, and the mud seemed knee deep, and Pierce was having a fit, he hated beening late. As he wondered why he had chosen that day to met with Mitch, he came upon the tent. Slipping quickly into the tent, Pierce emmediately felt the warmth of the fire burning inside. A young man of age 15, clumbsily stood up and bowed respectfully. Pierce motioned him to sit, as he himself sat and ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

"So, do you know what you're suppose to do, Mitch?"

Mitch nodded his head, but his gaze seemed empty as he looked into the fire.

"What's wrong?" Pierce asked quite dissturbbed by Mitch's gaze.

"Well, Sire- I mean Pierce I don't see how telling lies and misguidences about you will help your reputation any."

"Mitch, we have been through this before. The rummer are for the most part are for my advantiage. My enemies will have low exspectation of my abilies, therefore giving me the advantiage, the element of surprise. This will also level out other rummers of my skill, giving me a better chance of finding the enemy much quicker. See, it's all very simple."

"I know, I know, but I fear I shall destoy your reputation and you been at such a young age of 13, my Lord, don't you think..."

"Have no worries Mitch. I can care for myself you know."

With that Pierce placed a bag of sliver coins in his hands and left.

...And even though there were forces trying to stop him,...

Sweat pored down the back of the young warrior, Pierce. He could her screams, the noise was deafening. He was getting close, and he knew it. Raising his sword to attack form, he went around the corner. There waiting for him was the seven headed dragon guarding the prize, his mother. The beauty of the seven headed dragon was so majestic, and more magnificent than any treasure Pierce had ever seen. Its voice, calming and marvelous, it made Pierce loosen his grip on his sword.

“Yes, my young warrior, you have come at last. Come join me we will be great together, everyone will bow and worship us.”

Pierce frowned and tightened his grip on his sword, “Eidon is the only one worthy of such things!”

The dragon screamed and turned into a hideous black dragon, “Don’t say that name!”

Fire burst from his mouth headed toward Pierce. Pierce just in time escaped the ghastly death. Now with no hesitation he attacked the incoming dragon. The fight seemed to last for hours, the dragon had lost two heads, and Pierce had lots of blood. The dragon still strong, but Pierce felt his strength failing him. Now he stood cornered by the dragon, his weapon far from grasp. The dragon launched an attack, but instead of feeling the heat of its fire, Pierce felt cold steal sink into him. The dragon was replaced by his father, wickedly smiling, as he drove the sword deeper into him. With his last breath of air, Pierce screamed, “NO!!!”

Pierce awoke up to find himself on the cold stone floor of his room, he had fallen out of his bed. He was covered with perspiration, and was still shaking with terror. He slowly rose to his feet, and went to the cool waters of the Perilous Islands, it seemed like the only consolation Pierce had. Slipping into the frigid water made Pierce stop shaking, and for awhile it gave him some peace. But no sooner had he felt better did the curse of the dream came in his mind again. He was angry and bewildered at the same time. The dream was becoming a weekly visitor now, and he was beginning to believe it would come true. He knew he had to find its evil maker, for he knew this was no common dream, this was one of an warlock who knew his secrets, and a warlock that could be the last piece of the puzzle. The warlock Pierce needed to find and kill.

...He moved forward because there was alot at stake...

The Plot of any Book

By Gary Provost:

Once upon a time, something happened to someone, and he decided that he would pursue a goal. So he devised a plan of action, and even though there were forces trying to stop him, he moved forward because there was a lot at stake. And just as things seemed as bad as they could get, he learned an important lesson, and when offered the prize he had sought so strenuously, he had to decide whether or not to take it, and in making that decision he satisfied a need that had been created by something in his past.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Sorry Case

Angelo woke up to the smell of rabbit meat cooking, and not to mention at the the sound of someone snoring. Being careful not to wake Jesse, Angelo sat up and looked around. "Pierce is stirring the fire, but where is that awful snoring coming from?" Angelo murmured crossly. Then he spotted Alaric, he rolled his eyes irritably, "Alaric!" he called, but it was no use, Alaric was a deep sleeper. Angelo groaned as he stood up and wiped dried drool from his cheek. He glanced at Pierce, Pierce had turned away, and Angelo knew why. "I'm glad to see someone's amused by this." muttered Angelo as he walked over to Alaric and shook him.
Alaric awoke annoyed then happily, "Why did you wake... breakfast! Thanks for waking me up; Pierce usually eats without me."
Angelo frowned then he took a deep breath and let it out.
Suddenly Pierce began to choke on the apple he was eating, while trying not to laugh.
Though Angelo was irritated, he smiled, "At least I made him smile." "So' Angelo began, 'did you sleep well, Pierce?"
Alaric answered for him, "I'm sure he slept well. I on the other hand was bitten to death by mosquitoes all night long."
Angelo scowled at Alaric, "Was I talking to you, no, I don't think so."
Alaric shrugged his shoulders, "It's not like Pierce would answer you, anyway."
Angelo was now officially enraged and was about to say something; when Pierce stood up. Grabbing two apples from the pile he had picked, Pierce walked over to where they were. After stuffing the apples tn their mouths, he walked away into the forest.
"Well, that went well." sighed Angelo after he took the apple out of his mouth.
"M-m-m-m green apples delicious." muttered Alaric as he chewed noisily.

While Angelo was thinking of strangling Alaric, a hesitant "good morning" was said.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Jewelry Box

Three sisters named: Jade (middle), Crystal (your right), and Ruby (your left). They are Pierce's bestfriends.